quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010

Just listen

Listen to
the beat of your heart, the sound of your breath, the feel of your skin. Amazed and in awe of the flesh that encases
the spirit. What a marvel of design,
endless shapes and varieties, colors, sizes all are one vessel for the immortal
being each of us are. Care for this
vessel, love it just as it is, see it as the perfect child the creator sees.
Stop comparing it to others, for none was meant to be exactly alike. Even identical twins have differences, as all
parents of these children will tell you.
Love your body today, feed it, nurture it and care for it, precious
flesh encasing your special essence that is life.

2 Comentários:

Às 7 de outubro de 2010 às 10:51 , Anonymous *MARCIA E CARLOS* E LINDAS MENSAGENS disse...

Este comentário foi removido por um administrador do blog.

Às 7 de outubro de 2010 às 12:34 , Anonymous AnaBia disse...

Ok . Pode deixar Marcia. Mas como faço e posto?


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